Saturday 16 August 2014

Arty Saturday- Disney Sketches

I completed these Disney sketches just before Christmas as they formed part of my present for my 3 sisters, for each I chose one of their favourite Disney films for inspiration.
The first I did was Ariel and Erik from The Little Mermaid. This was my first time drawing characters from this film, and it turned out quite well. This scene is when Erik discovers Ariel on the beach after she has been transformed into a human and the cost of her voice.
The second I did was Jack and Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas. The style of animation here was quite different from The Little Mermaid, being darker with stronger lines and patterns.

The third piece I did was from Lilo and Stitch, which again has a different style with more rounded and soft animation than The Nightmare Before Christmas. This was an image I found on pinterest and chose because of how cute Stitch is!
I also drew a picture of Aurora from Sleeping Beauty for myself, this is a sketch of when she is Briar Rose, and unaware of her true identity as Princess Aurora. This style of animation is much more classic and fits the 1950's style of its time perfectly. Unfortunately the sketch got a little damaged by some oil pastels...

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